Wednesday, February 7, 2018

How To Rev Up Your Slow Smartphone’s Performance

Today, we are in the era of smartphones. We cannot imagine our loves without it. These mini computers are packed with some super serious hardware but it all boils down to the software which is installed in the phone. And it is usually the software which causes trouble and rarely the hardware which is reason of repairing our smartphone. At some point of time, we all have been to a phase where our phone started behaving differently, and especially at the time when we needed our work done. In such cases, there are some things you can do to maintain your smartphone and increase its speed.

Prizm Institute - a training institute for mobile repairing course in Mumbai teaches its students many tips and tricks to repair and maintain their precious smartphones and tablets. Its mobile repairing course covers many important guides and tutorials to rev up their mobile devices.

Important Tips To Rev Up Or Revamp Your Smartphone

1. Switch off the animations in your phone
Phones have a lot of animations to improve the user experience. This can feel highly good when the phone is new but overtime it can slow up the phone especially when there are a lot of applications running or loaded up in RAM.

One of the fastest ways to increase the speed of your phone is to turn of these animations or slow them down. You can do this by enabling the Developer’s Option. Once enabled, you will find options like Window Animation Scale, Transition Animation scale and Animator duration scale where you can switch them off or simply reduce them.

2. Uninstall Apps and Bloatware
We love downloading applications on our phones, and why wouldn’t we? Most of them are free. However, too many apps are one of the main reasons that our phone slows down. These applications not only take up the space but also take up the processor and RAM when not actively used. And there are few apps downloaded by the manufacturer which just sits idle.
You can either uninstall these apps or disable them to increase the functioning of your smartphone.

3. Clear App Cache
When apps are installed in our phones, they generate cache which stored in our phone. They are used for reference when the app runs later. If your phone is giving trouble, the easiest way is to wipe the app cache. It not only increases the performance but also frees up space on the phone. You can also do it for your operating system by wiping the phone cache.

4. Format Your Smartphone
When nothing works, the best way to get your phone back to the way it was by simply formatting it. It will wipe everything and starts from a blank canvas. However, do remember that it will wipe everything if you decide to format your phone. You will lose everything if you format or perform a hard reset. So, before formatting, it is advisable to take backup. Once the phone is reset, it will take some time settle. Thus, have some patience before setting it up.

If formatting does not work, you can try flashing your mobile phone, but flashing is a difficult process which most amateurs do not know to perform. It can be performed only by well-trained mobile repairing technicians.

These are the simple 4 ways you can increase the performance of your phone. These will not only increase the speed but also the overall life of your smartphone. Remember, your smartphone has been through thick and thin for you. It is time you treat it the way it deserves and be its companion like it is yours!

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