Saturday, January 20, 2018

Where Should You Carry Your Mobile Phone? Hand Or Pocket??!!

where should you carry your smartphone?
When we ask ourselves this interesting question, the most obvious answer that comes to us is in our pockets. But what we aren’t asking ourselves is that by keeping it there, are we putting ourselves or our phones at risk? We think of it as the safest place to keep our phones since it is away from prying eyes and certainly makes it harder to lose but are we losing something in some other away.

Apart from having stretched pockets and 'phantom vibration syndrome', our phone can suffer damage as well if it is kept in the back pocket and we end up sitting or is in the same pocket as keys and coins. Now, the damage of your smartphone can be prevented by using screen-guards and other protective cases but you cannot protect it from bending.

Advantages of carrying your phone in hand

  • You don’t have to dig or search your pockets to get the phone when an incoming call comes.
  • You are less exposed to radiation
  • There are less chances of the phone getting pick pocketed!

Advantages of carrying your phone in your pocket

  • You are free to perform any task as both of your hands are free
  • There are less chances of phone falling down as is the case with a phone in your hand.

One of the issues that people are concerned with keeping the phone in our pockets is the radiation. All smartphones emit some radiation from WiFi, Bluetooth, and cellular transmitters. This level of radiation can get high when all these are turned on at the same time.

So which is the best place to keep your mobile phone?

There has been a lot of research on the level of radiation emitted by the mobile phones, but there is still debate about how this affects the human health. In the past, Apple has said that Iphone should be worn with a belt clip or holster, as the radiation exposed by exceed the normal standards if the device is positioned "less than 15 millimeters from the body". This may sound excessive but is a sound advice for anyone who reads the small print on the manufacturer’s guide.

which is the best place for your smartphone? Hand or pocket?

So, it is safe to say that phones should not be carried in the pockets of any kind. There should be some distance from your body. The suggested distance to keep your phone from your body differs from handset to handset but is on an average 15mm. An alternative way to keep your phone is using a thick case, belt clip or holster if you are concerned about keeping the phone in direct contact with your pocket.

Keeping your phone in the back pocket can also be a choice however to protect yourself and your phone by using sturdy cases. This will also help in keeping the phone safe from any scratches if especially you keep your keys and coins in the same pocket.

However, according to Shuaib Sogay, Founder of Prizm Institute, an institute for mobile repairing course in Mumbai, it all depends on the circumstances. Sometimes its better in the hands, while at many other times its better in the pocket. It all comes down to the size of the phone and the user’s convenience and preferences.

Of course for women, the best place is to keep their smartphones is in their handbags if they are carrying one. Sadly, that option is not always there for men. They can use a phone cover or in a belt clip to stay safe from radiation. 


Smartphones today are used excessively. And they have become an important part of our lives. However, it is also important to understand the harm of keeping our smartphones in our pockets due to radiation. It is not worth our life. Learn about what can happen and also keep your mobile phone and yourself safe by using protective gears. Most importantly, if you keep your smartphones in your pockets, then do not turn on the Wifi and Bluetooth.  

At the end of the day, you should use your phone carefully and stay safe!

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