Wednesday, February 7, 2018

How To Rev Up Your Slow Smartphone’s Performance

Today, we are in the era of smartphones. We cannot imagine our loves without it. These mini computers are packed with some super serious hardware but it all boils down to the software which is installed in the phone. And it is usually the software which causes trouble and rarely the hardware which is reason of repairing our smartphone. At some point of time, we all have been to a phase where our phone started behaving differently, and especially at the time when we needed our work done. In such cases, there are some things you can do to maintain your smartphone and increase its speed.

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Where Should You Carry Your Mobile Phone? Hand Or Pocket??!!

where should you carry your smartphone?
When we ask ourselves this interesting question, the most obvious answer that comes to us is in our pockets. But what we aren’t asking ourselves is that by keeping it there, are we putting ourselves or our phones at risk? We think of it as the safest place to keep our phones since it is away from prying eyes and certainly makes it harder to lose but are we losing something in some other away.